Showing posts with label English Great Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Great Poetry. Show all posts

Parveen Shakir very Nice Poem in English

February 6, 2011



Pink flowers blossomed in the season I met you.
With your attentions they are opening again,
though these wounds had healed already.

How long could the columns support these houses shaken to their foundations?
That old strangeness came back, as if our meetings had been done.

The body was still hotfoot with its infatuations,
the feet bruised on the way

Pashto great poetry by Sufi poet abdur rehman(rehman baba)

February 6, 2011

My Lord
Look! My Lord is such a great doer of things,
That my Lord commands full authority.
Of great and virtuous people that one can name,
My Lord is beyond them all.
He is not dependent upon others for His needs;
My Lord owes nothing to anyone.
He created life from nothingness;
My Lord is this kind of creator.
He has fashioned all created things;
My Lord hears all speech.
Of which there is no similarity or likeness;
My Lord is the maker of such scents.
Of every structure in this world or the one to come;
My Lord is mason of them all.
He is the reader of unwritten scriptures;
My Lord is the knower of all secrets.
The overt, the covert and the part-known;
My Lord knows them all.
What is created, what is concealed, what is between;
My Lord is aware of them all.
He does not have any associate in His kingdom,
My Lord is a king without a partner.
His oneness is not due to weakness,
For my Lord is infinite in one body.
He needs friendship from no one,
Whose friend is my Lord.
I don’t need to look elsewhere,
For my Lord is with me in my home.
He is not transformed or changed O Rahmān!
My Lord is always constant.

Urdu Poetry Of Faraz Translated In English !

February 5, 2011

Hum bhi shaa'ir thay Kabi

I too was a poet once O life of my words, but I cannot remember
Since I have forgotten you the love of my art too, I cannot remember

Yesterday during a coversation with my heart I learnt
that any forelock, lips, any mouth, I cannot rememeber

In the city of intellect insanity is quiet as if
the very spontainety the rabid fluidity of his speech, he cannot rememebr

Firstly I was not familiar with the mannerisms required for ruins
Now the ways and traditions of the residents of gardens, I cannot remember

Everyone asks for the shop selling arrows and quiver
but his own body, any customer cannot remember

Time has brought me to such a desert of forgetfulness
Now your name even, may I perish, I cannot remember

Is this not enough that in the state of being without country
the abandonment of my fellow countrymen I cannot remember

Syed Ahmad Shah(Ahmad Faraz) poetry

Parveen Shakir Three Poems Urdu Poetry-Collection

February 5, 2011

Lord, I know the duty of a hostess,
but please let it be that this year
either rain clouds visit me
or my loneliness

Why should I be the first to phone?
He knows too:
last night came the first monsoon


Listen, girl, these moments are clouds:
you let them pass and they’re gone.
Soak up their moist touch. Get
Don’t waste a single drop.
Listen, downpours don’t remember
and sunshine can’t read roadsigns.
Parveen Shakir three Poems(Poetry)  Collection

Ghani Khan Pashto Poetry - In English "Prayer"

February 5, 2011


O river of beauty and radiance! Grant me a scintilla of light;
Grant me eyes full of laughter and lips full of delight.
For this minor heart of mine, I seek a beloved’s souvenir;
O river of beauty and radiance! Grant me a scintilla of light.
For this pitch-dark sorrow’s manor, a glowing grain to quell the night;
Grant me eyes full of laughter and lips full of delight.
For this rapture and its yearning, grant me a dear beloved’s sight,
Indulge me with your greater love; grant me your gracious face’s pride.
For this being’s withered garden, I seek a covenant of spring,
I don’t ask you to grant me heaven; I’m not seeking Toor’s height.
Let this dream’s very breath and time point to its own interpretation,
Grant me the bosom of a fakir, and a heart with a shah’s elation
Great very nice Poem by Ghani khan about "Nimaz"

Best English Nice Poetry : Tribute To Mother(Mor)

January 5, 2011

A mother is
The beauty of butterflies
the freshness of flowers
the softness of petals
 the gentleness of a summer breeze
a mother is
the strength of youth
the wisdom of the old
 the courage of soliders
 the depth of occeans
a mother is
the endurance of rocks
 the clerity of crystals
 the colours of rainbows
and warmth of the sun
Mother's (Mor) Day

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